Apache2Triad 1.2.3
Apache2Triad 1.2.3
The last release of the Apache2Triad 1.2 series , and the only relase in those series that is advised for usage , because of its resolution of past issues namely mail relay and unsecure ftp
disabled relay for anyone (even local)
set authentification for xmail as default
added authentification to ftp access
added protection to Uebimiau
added CGI Python and Tcl by default
added more CGI testing scripts
improved header fix script
updated PHPsFTPd to 0.1
updated PHPXmail to 0.69
updated phpMyAdmin to 2.5.7
updated PHP to 4.3.8
updated Zend Optimizer to 2.5.3
updated Xdebug to 4.3.1
Apache2Triad 1.3 Код:
The first of the Apache2Triad 1.3 series with a new generation of Php Apache Mysql and Xmail plus suport for the DBGP infrastructure in php via xdebug http://xdebug.org/docs-dbgp.php
updated MySQL to 4.0.20
updated XMail to 1.20
updated Apache to 2.0.50
updated PHP to 5.0.0
updated Smarty to 2.6.3
updated Zend Optimizer to 2.5.3
updated dbg to 2.11.26
updated Xdebug to 4.3.2
removed Active Debugger
Който са на ХР да не теглят 1.3.0 докато не дойде 1.3.1 , а да изтеглят 1.2.3 ! Защото при 1.3.0 и ХР се появяват бъгове и няма съпорт за него
Download Apache2triad 1.2.3
Download Apache2triad 1.3.0
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