Necromancer's Dos Navigator 2.14.8168 ... 4.8168.rar
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Long File Names Support
Multi-windowed interface
Disk utilities
Comprehensive File Manager
26 types of archives supported
Powerful customizable editor with 3 code pages support
Hex-editor with code pages support
Huge strings support
Regular expressions
Spreadsheet communications
Fully 32 bit version
Very often updates
and more...
The FILE PANEL is what you see when you start NDN for the first time. It displays the directories and files of the current directory on the current drive. Additionally NDN handles the contents of many archives (like ZIP/RAR) as if it would be a normal directory. NDN also uses the FP to display contents of the internal TEMPORARY DRIVE and the FIND FILE results. These are called VIRTUAL FILE SYSTEMS/VFS. A lot of useful information is displayed as you move the cursor on an object in the list (like size, attributes...).
Long filenames support in D32/W32 under W9x/NT
Quick drive change with CTRL-LEFT/RIGHT
Drag-and-Drop with files ideology
Works with files and subdirectories - copy, move, delete etc.
- copy/move:
- check for free disk space (optionally);
- verifying disk writing (optionally);
- the possibility to append files to already existing files ( even if moving in space of one disk ) is present;
- if destination of Copy is TEMP: files will be copied on TEMP drive of the disk;
- creation of file-list of selected files:
You may create a batch file, each line of it is outcoming from string `Action' - if it doesn't contain any name macros (i.e. !.!, !), then file name will be simply added to end of Action string, otherwise macros will be proceed.
- able to print files.
- split/combine long files into/from parts.
- uuencode/uudecode files.
- when erasing files, if "Direct disk access"
option set on, erasing files will speed up.
Archive processing:
- 28 different archive types support
- you can enter an archive such as usual
directory (optionally)
- if destination of Copy/Move is : the files will be
copied/moved into desired archive.
Archive descriptor can be: ARC, ARJ, BSA, BS2, CHZ, HA, HAP, HYP, LHA, SQZ, ZIP, ZOO, HPK, RAR, LIM, UC2.
- it is possible to unpack, to view, to erase,
to test selected files or subdirectories from
Comparing of 2 directories:
You can compare files in the directories that are displayed in the 2 FP windows, compare options are: size, time, attributes, contents,short names, mark equal/different files, select/unselect
Visualization of file list in FP:
- NDN handles file descriptions in files like DIRINFO.FILES.BBS as in 4DOS and many other filesmanagers (it also displays directory info from FILE_ID.DIZ or README.TXT if no file-descriptions are found or you are on an object that has no description). They are displayed in the INFORMATION PANEL (CTRL-L). When you copy/move/delete a file these descrptions are also handled. You can also easily create/edit new descriptions for the current object with ALT-INS.
- NDN can highlight files which are divided into groups of files (like executables: *.bat, *.cmd, *.exe, *.com...) (Options|File Manager|Highlight groups).
- files are possible to sort not only on standard (i.e. name, ext, size etc.), but also on colors if highlight option is set on.
- you have full control about the data displayed for each entry in the file window depending on the VFS you are in (ALT-K)
- you can tell NDN what do display in the INFORMATION PANEL (Options| Filemanager| Information panel)
- installation multiple filter for file list - for example: "*.exe; *.pas; *.tpu ".
- powerful filter where you can select what files you want to have displayed in the FP windows (ALT-S), also possible with ADVANCED FILTER (ALT-DEL)
Point-and-shoot (run files dependend on type):
- file can be processed with several key combinations - , , . You can assign a user menu to each filetype and each key combination if you want.
Example: you are on a file called '123.asm', hit , if you have associated ASM in the extension file this could be the output: "tasm 123.asm" "tlink /t 123"
- the number of extension is unlimited.
- several powerful marcos are available like: $:/!: for drive in passive or active panel (like in USER MENU)
- specify filename/mask, string to search for... with a lot of options to choose from, support for REGULAR EXPRESSIONS
multiple menu nesting is possible
after a menu selection the batch file is started. You can use different macros allows processing with current and passive panel of File Manager.
edit of label of volume on disk ( on network disks it is not executed, unfortunately )
unpacking of disk images
multi-level undo
block operations uses Clipboard.
streamed and vertical block (sorting of lines in vertical mode!)
10 text macros you can define in OPTIONS.HIGHLIGHT for each filetype you associate in there.
powerful syntax higlighting with many options
support for UNIX/MAC/DOS linetypes
direct switch from editor to viewer
support for 9 bookmarks you can set in the file and goto on the fly
powerful search possibilities including REGULAR EXPRESSIONS
reload file (no need to close window and open again)
text formatting (upcase line/word/block etc...) and many other features that make editing files easier
you can associate filetypes with other EXTERNAL EDITORS which will be read from OPTIONS.EXTERNAL_EDITORS_FILE
SMARTPAD support where you can write down notes while working with NDN
it can view(TEXT) and edit(DUMP/HEX/DISASSEMBLER)
it handles DBF, PKT/MSG, TDR files
smart editing (overwriting 1F with 1F doesn't mark the file as changed)
HIGHLIGHTING and UNDO of modified bytes/data
a lot of file manipulating features (filesize, remove/insert bytes...)
RELOAD like in editor
support for many codepages (which can be created by the user too)
the DISASSEMBLER quite accurate, features 16/32BIT code, can jump in local code segments
you can associate filetypes with other EXTERNAL VIEWERS which will be read from OPTIONS.EXTERNAL_VIEWERS_FILE
Header Editor supporting MZ/PE/NE/LE executables at the moment (moving to entry point, changing values, ...)
it is possible to calculate (complex) formulas, many functions are supported
hexadecimal, octal, binary and decimal operations
common Clipboard with editor
available functions: SUM, MUL, IF, sin, cos, tg, ctg, arctg, sqr, sqrt, ln, lg, sign, rad, grad
it is possible export in text file.
Other features:
Extended text modes support ( type 132Ґ60, 100x25 etc. ). Be sure that 'Standard cursor' in Mouse Setup is set off because many mouse drivers do not support extended video modes (I think only OS/2 mouse driver works correctly).
Advanced file search. It is possible to search for files by filter ( e.g. *.bak;*.$$$;*.tmp ), by text string, by date, size and attributes. In addition, File Find works in background (i.e. you can switch to another window while search processing)
It is possible to work with file lists and create TEMP: drive ( usual file list, but you can include files with different location) You can copy, move, view etc. files from these lists.
Working with keyboard macros:
Shift + Alt + n - record ( 1-9 ) / the end of record
Ctrl + Alt + n - play macro n
It's possible to separate groups of commands for batch processing on commandline - they must be separated by '||'
CD-ROM player working with MSCDEX.EXE (or VCDROM.SYS under OS/2).
Arvid streamer board support.
Almost everything is very customizable, a lot of different options exist
Detection of ALT vs. ALTGR depending on the system you use.
Provided versions:
D32: This is the version to use in DOS/W98, it has the most features of all of the 3 currently developed targets. It is stable and fast, but unfortunately it cannot be used easily in WinNT/2k/XP anymore as in W9x because NT doesn't support the old WINDOWSAPIs , but it will still be worked on.
W32: Recommended for NT/2K/XP. It works faster and more stable in NT based OS's. Clipboard/Mouse works (D32 doesn't in NT+). Not as much features as D32, but lots of new things are planned!
LNX: The LINUX version is in very early stage, but it looks very promising (an OS like LINUX cannot be easily supported like DOS and WINDOWS). MC is good and stable, BUT it has less possibilites than NDN (f.ex.): VIEWER/EDITOR, options/customizations, FILE FIND.... A lot of work will flow into this port in the near future...