This is the last alpha build. In case changes on servers or any other changes new alpha builds releases aren’t excluded. First beta is going to be released on the first half of 2006.
Don't forget to update st_custom.bmp file and language files!
- send multiple ability;
- new custom status pictures;
- multi-line away messages;
- contact list/private lists monthly backup to "BackupCL" folder;
- msg window timestamp color changing (Preferences->Contact List->Colors);
- "Don't show Authorization Required flags" option;
- recent messages showing in messaging window (start's to work in few seconds after login);
- setup program shows file unpacking progress during installation;
- invisible users marking found by smart-scan and showing their actual status in capabilities strings;
- command line parameter '/autorus' - kb layout auto switch to Russian after CTRL+R (may not work);
- multi-line buddy comment field;
- reversing operations by CTRL+R, CTRL+T, selected words converting;
- find contact function;
- antispam-bot words checking fix;
- saving message window bg color;
- edit nick, cellular, note spaces removing bug;
- bugs with receiving aim sns statuses;
- ignored users could send authorization messages;
- right click on tray message clears received msg event;
- special chars filtering before saving msg to history;
QIP 2005a Build 7800 Last Alpha