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Link: Win XP SP2 Quick Cleaner v2 http://forum.d2-online.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=1307 |
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Автор: | Lyolyo [ Чет Авг 26, 2004 11:21 am ] |
Заглавие: | Link: Win XP SP2 Quick Cleaner v2 |
Код: Microsoft Windows XP SP2 Quick Cleaner V2
(c) TEAM FFF ЯЬ ЬЯ ЫЬ RELEASE iNFORMATiONS ЬЫ ЬЬІЯ ЯІЬЬ °ЬЬЬЬІЯЯЯ ЯЯЯІЬЬЬЬ° ЯЯЫІЯЯ ЯЯІЫЯЯ ЬІЯ ЯІЬ ЬІЯ° Release date..................... [ 19-08-2004 ] °ЯІЬ ЬЫЯ Cracker.......................... [ TEAM FFF ] ЯЫЬ ЬЫІЫ Ь Я± Tester........................... [ TEAM FFF ] ±Я Ь ЫІЫЬ Я Ы Ы Packager......................... [ Packager 3.6 ] Ы Ы Я Ы Protection....................... [ None//Retail ] Ы Ы ЯІ ІЯ Ы Ы °І Operating system................. [ Windows XP ] І° Ы ° ЫЬ ІЫЬ ЬЫІ ЬЫ ° ± ЫЫ±Я Crack type......................... [ ] Keygen Я±ЫЫ ± ЬЫЯ [x] Patch ЯЫЬ ЬІЯ [ ] Serial ЯІЬ ЫЫ Ь° [ ] Loader °Ь ЫЫ ЯІЬЬІЯ [ ] Other ЯІЬЬІЯ ЫЫЯ ЯЫЫ ІІ URL......... [ n/a ] ІІ Ы Ы Ы Size.............................. [ 1x1.44 Mo ] Ы Ы Language.......................... [Multilanguage] Ы І± ±І ЯЫЬ ЬЫЯ ±ЯЯІЬЬЬ± ±ЬЬЬІЯЯ± ЯЯЯ±ЬЬЬ±Ь° ЯЬ ЬЯ °Ь±ЬЬЬ±ЯЯЯ ЯЯЯЯ±ЬЬЬЬЫІЬ ЬІЫЬЬЬЬ±ЯЯЯЯ °Я Я° ЯЬ ЬЯ ЫЬ RELEASE NOTES ЬЫ ЬЬІЯ ЯІЬЬ ЬЬЫ °°ЬЬЬІЯЯЯ ЯЯЯІЬЬЬ°° ЫЬЬ ЬІЯЯІ ЯЯЫІЯЯЯ ЯЯЯІЫЯЯ ІЯЯІЬ Я ЬЯ ЬІЯ ЯІЬ ЯЬ Я ЬЫ ±ЬІЯ° °ЯІЬ± ЫЬ ЫІЫЯ ЯЫІЫ ІЫЯ ЯЫІ Я Я + Disable DEP : Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a system-level memory protection feature that is built into the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 operating systems. DEP enables Windows® to mark one or more pages of memory as non-executable. Marking memory regions as non-executable means that code cannot be run from that region of memory, which makes it harder for the exploitation of buffer overruns. DEP prevents code from being run from data pages such as the default heap, stacks, and memory pools. If an application attempts to run code from a data page that is protected, a memory access violation exception occurs, and if the exception is not handled, the calling process is terminated. DEP is not intended to be a comprehensive defense against all exploits; it is intended to be another tool that you can use in secure your application. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en- us/memory/base/data_execution_prevention.asp + Change TCP number of connections from 10 to 16 millions+ + Disable firewall service. Ь Ь ЫІ ІЫ ЫЯЫЬ Ь Ь ЬЫЯЫ Ы ЯІІІЯЬ ЬЯІІІЯ Ы І± Я Я Я ° ° Я Я Я ±І ЯЫЬ Я Я ЬЫЯ ±ЯЯІЬЬЬ± ±ЬЬЬІЯЯ± ЯЯЯ±ЬЬЬ±Ь° ЯЬ ЬЯ °Ь±ЬЬЬ±ЯЯЯ ЯЯЯЯ±ЬЬЬЬЫІЬ ЬІЫЬЬЬЬ±ЯЯЯЯ °Я Я° ЯЬ ЬЯ ЫЬ iNSTALL NOTES ЬЫ ЬЬІЯ ЯІЬЬ ЬЬЫ °°ЬЬЬІЯЯЯ ЯЯЯІЬЬЬ°° ЫЬЬ ЬІЯЯІ ЯЯЫІЯЯЯ ЯЯЯІЫЯЯ ІЯЯІЬ Я ЬЯ ЬІЯ ЯІЬ ЯЬ Я ЬЫ ±ЬІЯ° °ЯІЬ± ЫЬ ЫІЫЯ ЯЫІЫ ІЫЯ ЯЫІ Я Я 1. Unpack & Install. 2. Apply patch. 3. Reboot. Download: Microsoft.Windows.XP.SP2.Quick.Cleaner.V2_PATCH-FFF |
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