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Автор: | nkiosev [ Сря Юли 07, 2004 10:18 am ] |
Заглавие: | Link Collectorz Music Collector v6.4.1 |
Link Collectorz Music Collector v6.4.1 ![]() Код: ЮЬІЬЫЬ ЫЭЬЬЫ Collectorz.Music.Collector.v6.4.1-Lz0 ЫЬЬЬЫЬЬЬЬІЬЭ
І ЫЭЮЫ ЮЫ Ь І ° ЫЬЬЫ ЫЬЬЫ ° Ы CRACKER...: r! RELEASE DATE: 6/29/2004 ЮЫ ° І PACKER....: Team Lz0 # OF DiSKS..: xx/01 І ± SUPPLIER..: Team Lz0 OSYS........: Winall ± ° PROTECTION: Online SerialFO TiME....: 5:36:35 PM ° ° PUBLiSHER.: Collectorz NFO DATE....: 6/29/2004 ° ± LANGUAGE..: TYPE........: Application ± І І ЮЬЫю [ ] KEYFiLE / LiCENSE [ ] EMULATOR юЫЬЭ ЫІЫ [ ] PATCH [ ] SERiAL ЫІЫ Ы ЯІ [ X ] CRACKED .EXE / .DLL [ ] RETAiL ІЯ Ы ЯЯЯЯЭ [ ] KEYGEN [ ] TRAiNER ЮЯЯЯЯ юЫЬЭ [ ] LOADER [ ] OTHER ЮЬЫю ЫІ ІЫ ІЫ RATiNG : 0/10 [----------] ЫІ Ы URL : Ы І REQUiREMENTS : І ± ARCHIVE : lz0bqs*.zip ± ° Ь ° ± ЯІЯ ± І °° І Ы ЬІЯЫЫ ЯЯЯІЫЬ ІІ ЯЯЯ°ЫЬ Ь°ЯЯЯ °ЫЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯІЫЬ Ы Ы Э ЫЫ ІЫ ІЫ ЫІ ЫЫ ЫІ ЫІ ІЫ ІЫ ЯЯЯЯІЬ Ы° ЫЫ Ы ЬЬЫ ЬЭ ЫЫ ЫЫЬЬЫЫ ЫЫ ЫЫЬЬЫЫ ЫЫЬЬЫЫ Ы° ЫЫ ЫЫЬЬЫІ ЬЬЮЫЬЬ ЮЫІЫЭЮЫ ІЫ ЫЫЬЬЬ ЫЫЬЬІЫЬЬЬЬ ЫЫ ЫЫ ЯЫІЬЫІ ІЫЬЬЬ ЮЫІЮЫ ЫЭ ЮЫ ЫЬЬЫ ІІ ЮЫЬЬЫ ЫЭ ЫЬЬЭ Ь Ы ЫІЯЯЯЯ°ЫЬ ЯЯЯ°ЫЬ °° ЮЬЬЫ Э Ы ЯІЯ Ы° °Ы ЫЫ ІЫ ІЫ ЫЫ ЫІ Ы Ю Ы ЫЫ ЫЫІЬЫЫ ЫЫ ЯЯ ЫЫ ЫЫ Ы Ы ІЫ ЫЫ Я°Ы ЫЫЯЯ ЫЫЬЬІЯ Ы Ы ЯЫ Я Ы Ы Ы Ы What is Music Collector? Ы Ы Ы Ы Music Collector is a program that helps you Ы Ы catalog your collection of CDs, LPs, Minidiscs, Ы Ы etc... Adding albums to the database is quick and Ы Ы easy, no typing needed. Just insert a CD in your Ы Ы CD-ROM drive, scan its barcode or type artist and Ы Ы title. Music Collector will automatically Ы Ы download all information from various sources on Ы Ы the internet (like CDDB, Amazon and AMG), Ы Ы including the cover image. It can also read Ы Ы CDTEXT information, if available. The resulting Ы Ы list can be sorted, searched, grouped, printed or Ы Ы exported to HTML or ASCII. Read on for more Ы Ы details. Ы Ы Ы Ы Adding Albums to the database Ы Ы Ы Ы The screen "Add Albums by Searching Info Sources" Ы Ы lets you add albums by retrieving album Ы Ы information from various online and offline Ы Ы information sources. You can search the info Ы Ы sources in 3 ways: Ы Ы Ы Ы By scanning CDs in your computer Ы Ы By scanning the barcode of the CD or LP. Ы Ы By typing artist and title Ы Ы After you have added one or more searches to the Ы Ы Search Queue (screen 1), click Search and the Ы Ы search results will be shown in the queue. Now Ы Ы just select the correct results and click Add to Ы Ы Collection. Music Collector will then retrieve Ы Ы the full info, including a cover picture if it is Ы Ы available. (screen 2) Ы Ы If you want, you can add more information about Ы Ы CDs manually, in the Edit Album screen, e.g. add Ы Ы the Catalog Number (screen 3) or some personal Ы Ы info (e.g. Purchase store and price) (screen 4). Ы Ы Ы Ы Using the database Ы Ы Ы Ы Once you have entered a number of CDs you can Ы Ы view the list on the main screen, e.g. as a Ы Ы simple list of all albums (screen 5). It is also Ы Ы possible to browse your collection of albums Ы Ы while viewing them grouped by artist (screen 6) Ы Ы or by genre (screen 7) or by other fields and Ы Ы even combination of fields. Ы Ы The right side of the screen either shows a list Ы Ы with multiple columns (you can choose which Ы Ы columns) or small images of the album covers Ы Ы (screen 8). Ы Ы In Track View you can view lists of tracks, Ы Ы either grouped or as a simple list (screen 9). Ы Ы Ы Ы All lists can be sorted instantly, on any field, Ы Ы e.g. alphabetically on artist, title or label, or Ы Ы sorted on release date or purchase date. Using Ы Ы the "incremental search" functions you can find Ы Ы items quickly. Just sort the list on the field Ы Ы you want to search on, then start typing the Ы Ы first letter of the value you are looking for. Ы Ы While you type the selection will jump to the Ы Ы first item that matches. Ы Ы Ы Ы Using the Filter feature you can search for any Ы Ы value in any field, e.g. find all tracks with the Ы Ы word "love" in the title. You can even make Ы Ы combinations of search criteria, e.g. find all Ы Ы CDs, that have been recorded live and released on Ы Ы the EMI label (screen 10). Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ы Ю °° °° Э Ы ЮЯЯЫ Ы ЫІ °ЫЯЯЯЯЯЫІ Ь°ЯЯЯ ІІ ІІ ЬІЬ ЫЯЯЭ ЮЫЯЯЫ ЫЭ Ы° °Ы ЫЫ ЯЯЯЯІЬ ЫЫЯЯ ІЫ ІЫ ЫЫ ЫЫ Я ЮЫ ЫЯЯЫ ІЬЬЫ ЬЭ ЫЫ ЫЫІЬЫЫ Ы° ЫЫ ІЫ ЫІ ЫЫЬЬЫЫ ЫЫ ЫЫ ЮЫІЫЭЮЫ ЮЫІЫЭЮЫ ІЫ ЫЫ Я°Ы ЯЫІЬЫІ ІЫЬЬЫЫ ЫЫ ЫЫ ЫЫЬЬ ЫЫЬЬ ІЯЯЫ ЯЭ ЮЫ ЫЬЬЫ ЯЫ ІІ ЮЫЬЬЫ ЫЭ ЫЬЬЭ °° ЮЬЬЫ Э Ы Ы Ю Ы Install, then copy over the supplied exe to Ы Ы register. Ы Ы Ы Ы Enjoy! Ы Ы Ы ЮЬЫю юЫЬЭ свали хх 10 Noreagga |
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